Nisbet: Delicatessen 15” with two badges and limited edition certificate in a British Airlines tote bag


Nisbet. Delicatessen with small “Aloysius” badge and a large “I’m Bully Bear” badge. 15”. 1987. Pure Mohair. Mascot size in a British Airlines tote bag. Made in England with patches to resemble the original bear. Much of the work is done by hand so no two bears are exactly alike. Jointed at arms, legs, and neck. Limited edition certificate: bear is numbered 3199 out of the House of Nisbet vintage limited edition of 5000 of this 80th birthday replica of a Delicatessen mascot, who spent the first 55 years of his life living in a grocery and dry goods store in Maine. The bear portrays Aloysius, a 1907 Ideal USA teddy bear, in the television production of Evelyn Waugh’s novel Brideshead Revisited with Peter Bull in 1981. The bear was an important character, became famous overnight, and helped start the teddy bear revival that resulted after the series was released. This bear is made with pure mohair distressed to show age and has chamois leather patches, authentic Daks scarf dated 1976, two special bear badges, and a British Airways tote bag.
