

Regular Hours

Friday & Saturday: 11a.m-4p.m. (open to the public)
Sunday to Thursday: 11a.m.-4p.m. (by appointment)

Appointments for private visits can be made for 11a.m.-3p.m. by contacting us at 805-687-4623 or sq@quinlanmuseum.com. If we are not in the office, please leave a message (your name & phone number). We will return your call within 24 hours.


If you are traveling a great distance, it is recommended that you call (805) 730-1707 for schedule changes and closures due to occasional business trips.

Martha Burch
Martha Burch

Copyright 2023. All rights reserved. Material and photographs, in whole or part, contained on this web site
may not be reproduced, distributed, or used for any purposes without permission of Susan Quinlan.